User Research
At the heart of all the work I have done to date is feedback from customers at key stages before budget is invested into build to understand if the UX ideation and project teams thinking has merit to the behaviours of the target market. I’ve worked at many stages of transformational projects for large scale organisations, consultancies, agencies and start-ups and always create solutions based on understanding the users needs by talking with the target user, and this approach not only creates a much more user centred design but also helps introduce feature rich improvements which are a testament to why more regular testing should be carried out on digital projects. My own experience with UX research includes: - Facilitating in lab myself on various projects for Major brands including the Lloyds Group and John Lewis (both of which had their own labs that I used to conduct research), creating reports based on my findings and feeding back to the wider project teams. - Working closely with facilitators and lab teams internally and externally working as a lead UX to get to the key learnings as quick as possible to digest to the rest of the business. - Organising moderated and unmoderated usability tests online with various platforms like to gain extremely quick insights within hours and using the insights to shape iterations quickly - Carrying out quantitative research and studying analytics data and working with analytics team, launching multi-variant tests and studying SessionCam footage, heat maps and scroll maps to understand users’ behaviour.